Here now: LactaWebinar recording on breastfeeding challenges for working families

  • News
  • 16 Aug. 2023
230704 Lactawebinar News FLRF

Did you miss the free LactaWebinar held during World Breastfeeding Week 2023 - Breastfeeding challenges for working mothers and their families in different workplace settings

We invite you to watch the recording and access the accompanying slides here on LactaHub.

This LactaWebinar was hosted by Amref International University, The Global Health Network (University of Oxford) and LactaHub. LactaHub extends its heartfelt appreciation to its partners for their invaluable support in making the event possible and to the experts who shared their knowledge and insights: 

Dr. Alice Lakati, chair
Director of Research and Community Extension, Amref International University, Kenya

Josephine W. Munene, speaker
Maternal, Infant and Child Health Specialist & Lactation Support Professional, Kenya Association for Breastfeeding, Kenya

Gabrielle Sauini, speaker
Speech-Language Pathologist and Children’s Health Specialist, Associação Brasileira de Pais, Familiares, Amigos e Cuidadores de Bebês Prematuros – NGO, Brazil

Dr. Oscar Rojas Trejo, speaker
MD, Occupational Health & Wellbeing, Corporate Manager, Mabe Global, Mexico

Kathrin Litwan, moderator
Nutrition Expert and Doctoral Candidate, Yale School of Public Health, USA & Switzerland

We hope the insights you gain from this LactaWebinar will prove beneficial in your personal and professional journey. 

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Illustration by Nadja Baltensweiler