Looking at milk lipids and their implications for early life health

  • News
  • 30 Aug. 2023
2022 21 Projects FLRF

Researchers at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute conducted the most comprehensive human milk lipidomics study to date – and their findings indicate human milk lipids may contribute to the protective health benefits seen in breastfed infants.

The team analyzed and compared lipid profiles (the lipidome) in human milk with bovine, goat and soy-based infant formula, and bovine and goat milk. The human milk lipidome emerged as distinct.

“Given the significant differences in the lipidome between human milk and formula, it is not surprising that formula-fed infants do not receive the same protections as breastfed infants,” write the study’s authors.

Human milk lipidomics is challenging, they note, and further research is required to fully understand specific lipid functions and how they impact health outcomes.

See their open access findings, just published in Frontiers in Nutrition (Defining the lipid profiles of human milk, infant formula, and animal milk: implications for infant feeding)

This work is supported by the Trainee Expansion Program (TEP) Trainee Bridge Fund grant received by lead author Alexandra George, Post Doctoral Researcher. We and ISRHML are proud sponsors of the TEP program.

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