Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 with colostrum

  • News
  • 29 Feb. 2024
2022 University Of Western Australia FLRF

The first drops of human milk from infected mothers offer newborns the highest protection against COVID-19.

Specifically, the neutralizing antibodies, IgA, found in the colostrum are what mainly stop the virus in its tracks. 

“This could have a dramatic impact on the prevention of COVID-19 infection in newborns, knowing that at least 1 in 3 newborns is not fully colostrum-fed due to formula supplementation, a practice that became even more prevalent when mothers are infected with SARS-CoV-2,” writes the research team responsible for this discovery.

Their first-ever findings were published in Covid Reports, from The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal (‘Colostrum Covid Specific IgA, But Not IgG, in Human Milk From COVID-19-infected Mothers Neutralizes SARS-CoV-2’). Read the article here.

FLRF is grateful to the researchers for their work to bring increased awareness to the importance of colostrum.

Are you interested in learning more about colostrum? Visit the Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Centre for Immunology and Breastfeeding at The University of Western Australia, directed by Professor Valerie Verhasselt, here.